Pangaea working with the CEC, developed the web based application and tools for the NAPRTR project.
State of Minnesota Moves To Microsoft's Cloud
In one of the largest government-related cloud computing deals to date, the State of Minnesota on Monday announced it has signed an enterprisewide agreement to use the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) to provide government employees with Web-accessed e-mail, SharePoint collaboration, instant messaging and video conferencing capabilities.
Flash Faster Than HTML5, Sometimes
The latest version of Flash shows that Flash may give HTML5 a run for its money as a development platform for mobile Apps.
Pangaea to present at URISA Chicago Quarterly Meeting
Pangaea will deliver a presentation entitled: Remote Sensing Analyses for Military Land Management at the URISA Chicago Chapter quarterly meeting on Friday September 10 at 2:15 pm. URISA Chicago is located at 701 Lee Street, Suite 680 Des Plaines, IL 60016
Pangaea will be at the 1st Annual Army Training Support System (TSS) Workshop 16-20 August at the Hilton Chicago
Pangaea will be presenting and exhibiting at the 1st Annual Army Training Support System (TSS) Workshop 16-20 August at the Hilton Chicago located at 720 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois.
The 1st Annual Army Training Support System (TSS) Workshop is sponsored by the TSS HQDA Proponent, the Director of Army Training, Training Support Division (DAMO-TRS). The theme for this year’s event is Forging the Integrated Training Environment. The Army TSS is a system of systems that provides the networked, integrated, interoperable training support necessary to enable an operationally relevant training environment for warfighters. In short, it is an integrated training support enterprise that is flexible and tailorable to meet dynamic training strategies. It is comprised of product lines, architectures and standards, management, evaluation, and resource processes that enhance training effectiveness.
Please come visit us in the Exhibition Area at booth # 921. Pangaea will present on our current project for U.S. Army Europe entitled “USAREUR Annual Landuse and Landcover Mapping using Remotely Sensed Imagery” on Wednesday 18 August at 13:00 – 13:30, and again on Thursday 19 August at 10:45 -11:15 in the TSS General and SRP GIS session.