Pangaea will be showcasing the Pediatric Hazard Vulnerability Analysis System at the Emergency Preparedness Fair. The Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response (CHSCPR) and Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) will be hosting an Emergency Preparedness Fair at NMH on Thursday, September 26, 2013 from 7:30 am – 6:00 pm. The purpose of the CHSCPR is to develop plans to unify, coordinate and manage emergency planning and response for the healthcare system within the City of Chicago. During a planned event or unplanned disaster or emergency, the CHSCPR participates and supports response efforts in coordination with the Chicago Department of Public Health [CDPH]. The mission of the CHSCPR is to unify the coordination of the Chicago healthcare system to a level that will be necessary if operations move from conventional to contingency to crisis care.
The fair is a comprehensive showcase of the Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response and its Partners’ preparedness capabilities, including educational offerings on medical surge, volunteer management, patient tracking, communication technology and much, much more. We anticipate that this event will draw 1000 + attendees.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Feinberg Pavilion
251 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL
Third Floor, Krumlovsky Atrium